Thursday 8 October 2009

All you need to know about ‘ASTHMA’……(Part 1)

Asthma or wheezing is very common in children. Many of the parents are unaware of the basic mechanism underlying this condition and hence panic on hearing this word. Understanding your child’s underlying condition not only helps to relieve your anxiety but also guides you to the right treatment. Since I personally know some families with asthma, I thought of writing some basic facts about this condition in my next few posts.

What is asthma?
Some people have very sensitive airways when compared to others. When they come in contact with certain agents such as dust, pollen, viruses etc their airways go narrower (by muscle contraction), swollen and red. This leaves very small space for the air to go through making it difficult for them to breath. When air passes through narrow airways it causes a whistling kind of noise (as in a flute) which is called as ‘wheeze’. Good thing is, most of the times, airway narrowing is reversible (comes back to original size) with medication. If one can understand this concept it is not difficult to keep the asthma under control.

Does my child suffer from asthma?
If you have noticed any/ all of these symptoms with your child talk to your doc.
Wheezing (musical/ whistling noise while breathing)
Recurrent cough
Shortness of breath or rapid breathing
Tightening in the chest (bigger kids)
These symptoms may come and go. Some common triggers which make these symptoms worse include: house dust mite, molds, cold, flu, exercise, pollen, dogs etc.
If there is a known trigger try to avoid it (eg. keeping the house free of dust, avoiding pets etc).

How is it diagnosed?
Normally, based on the symptoms, family history and signs (listening to your child with a stethoscope). In older kids special tests to measure lung function may be performed. Occasionally, blood tests to look for infection and X- ray to look at the lungs may be needed.

Management......see next post.

Is asthma curable?
Most of the times asthma can be managed very well and symptoms can be kept under control. But, it is not curable. However, some kids grow out of it as they get older.

Will my child grow out of it?
Some kids grow out of it. They do so especially if they tend to wheeze just with viral infections and do not have any allergies or eczema. If there are other members in the family with asthma, eczema or allergy or if your child in addition suffers from allergies and eczema, the chances of him growing out of asthma is less.

Can asthma appear at any age?

Yes, asthma can present at any age.

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